Frequently Asked Questions

How does MBSR work?

As we experience significant emotional trauma, our bodies produce specific combinations of hormones, neurotransmitters, and emotions that are then stored within our cells. When triggered in the future, our body recalls and releases this combination, creating either a positive or negative experience. Common examples may include a feeling of warmth and comfort due to a certain smell, or conversely, anxious sweating from thunder due to a severe weather experience. Most of these imprints are stored within subconscious memories of ourselves, so often we are unaware that they are directing us to detrimental behavior and limiting beliefs. We may not know what the original event was, or make the connection with how we are feeling at that time. As a result, our feelings and behaviors will suffer, due to the imbalance of chemicals and emotions flooding our systems.

All matter, living and non-living, emits unique and measurable electromagnetic waves or frequencies (how fast the atoms spin). Negative emotions and stored trauma carry a very low frequency. Long-term exposure to low-vibration emotions, such as anger, grief, resentment, or loneliness can be detrimental to your health. When our body is able to identify and release these negative cellular memories, it raises the frequency in the body. As this occurs, atoms spin faster, creating additional energy the body can use to self-heal or regulate imbalances. When we operate at a higher vibrational frequency, we free up space for higher thoughts of connection, trust, love, and joy.

What is muscle testing?

Applied Kinesiology, aka Muscle testing, is a form of Binary biofeedback in which the body's stress response to a stimulus is identified and measured. Binary Biofeedback is commonly used across most medical fields, including EEG’s and heart rate monitors.

Everyday examples of binary feedback may include stress responses, such as increased heart rate, perspiration, and blood flow to extremities during fight or flight. Muscle testing is a biofeedback device in itself. It uses the body's muscles to measure a response.

Our muscles are controlled by nerves and respond differently as nerve messages change or vary. This allows the practitioner to utilize muscle strength as a method to understand what the nervous system is trying to communicate. There’s no magic involved, it’s simply interpreting nerve signals. When the body is presented with a stressor, the electrical signals between the brain and the muscles are hampered and the muscle is weakened. When the body is presented with something it is compatible with, the muscle stays strong

How does muscle testing work long distance or remotely?

Practitioners are able to muscle test remotely due to the principle of non-locality, or quantum entanglement. This states that once two atoms/particles/electrons have connected, one has the ability to instantaneously affect the other, across any distance, space, or time, with no visible exchange of force or energy. The principle of non-locality is applied when we facilitate remote muscle testing and clearings and can occur as long as the particles have once had some form of contact, either physically (in person, with a hair or saliva sample) or virtually (via telehealth).

When muscle testing from a distance, I use my own body/nervous system to test for someone else. This is called proxy testing.

What are clearings and how are blocks cleared?

Once the blocks have been identified they are cleared with a cold laser. We stimulate specific acupuncture/meridian points, organs, and neurological and endocrine systems with the cold laser, bringing increased circulation and blood flow to the areas. This disrupts the stress response and helps calm the nervous system, releasing negative stored associations with the stressors. Once the stress response has been reduced, more energy can be focused on the body's innate self-healing process.

How many sessions will I need?

While energy work is a catalyst for the healing process, it takes time. There is no set number of sessions you will need to accomplish your goal. Most people see significant shifts from between 3 to 5 sessions. Each person processes through the clearing differently and for most, MBSR it's not a "one and done" approach.

What will I experience after an MBSR session?

Some people immediately feel like a weight is lifted, very relaxed, joyful/hopeful. Some feel no immediate or instantaneous difference but then start seeing shifts in the following days. Occasionally, some clients experience a detox of sorts; their body is finally able to release stored physical and emotional toxins. Symptoms of this detox could be fatigue, headaches, nausea, or even a brief resurgence of past physical or emotional issues. Be gentle with yourself and rest as needed- it typically passes within 24 - 48 hours.

What does the process look like?

Through muscle testing, I will identify the combinations of emotions, neurotransmitters, limiting beliefs, toxins, and more that are repeatedly mobilized and causing stress in the body.

  1. Step one: 30-minute intake call to discuss the goal and intention of the session. After the consultation, the client is able to resume usual activities or go about their day.

  2. Step two: I will begin the research process with muscle response testing and MBSR clearing.

  3. Step three: You are provided with session notes, a personalized explanation video, and tools to utilize between sessions.

Note: no consultation call is needed for follow-up appointments on the same goal or intention.

Is it ok to participate in energy work or MBSR as a Chrisitian?

As an MBSR practitioner, I work with and welcome people of all different belief systems. It is important to me that clients have complete clarity about the process. I am in NO way acting as a spiritual advisor or medium. I see being an MBSR practitioner similar to the function of a chiropractor, I facilitate the reduction of stress on your nervous system. Your body is doing the work, I am simply helping to identify the areas of support.

MBSR encourages us to be self-aware and take responsibility/ownership. It is a tool but it is not a replacement for faith.